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The reason I registered here is that the server I had an account on before didn't respond to pings for 3 days, I thought it was shut down. But today I see that it's back up and running. I will write from it for now:
Thanks to the podminas for their work.
#Fediverse #Frendica #Hubzilla etc. #social #future
in reply to kuchinster (frendica)

I enjoyed Friendica but found it cluttered with extra features I would probably never use. Hubzilla was impossibly complicated, and again, lots of features I'd likely never use. Even though we cannot yet truly "migrate" from one pod to another, I love my diaspora for it's simplicity and "user friendliness." Thanks for keeping in touch from whatever account / platform you're on!

It's too late to drink Borjomi when your liver's gone.

Pentagon seeks books on Russian military strategy

#NATO #USA #US #Pentagon #war #fail on #ukraine #russian #military #study

Ukraine Invasion Feed reshared this.

Russia has overtaken Germany and Japan in terms of GDP. Special military operation is increasingly useful.
I repeat, this rise is also due to the resources that used to flow to Western countries.

#SMO it's growth #GDP #economy #russian #Russia

kuchinster (mastodon) reshared this.

About the lies of the Western media

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian authorities themselves have already stated that the missing children have been found, and not in Russia, but in Germany (,
Western media continue to lie about the “missing children” and blame Russia.

#ukraine #ukrainian #Western #lie #hutzpah #germany #Russia #blameRussia #children

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in reply to Allan

@Allan ? 🤣 🤣 🤣 Do you really get your information from this american dump? In our country, even in Ukraine, most people know about the cosmic lies of this resource and don't refer to it so they don't look like a jerk to their friends..-)
I gave you the undisputed sources of the Western Lie, and you're giving me some stinking garbage. It's not nice.
in reply to kuchinster (frendica)

shrug. It was one example that happened to be close by, no different from many others from many other sites. As I said: on a weekly basis. Meanwhile you're giving me your personal website which is, I guess, the dumpster for your lifelong pursuit of misinformation.

But I tire of this nonsense. I mute you now.

About Ukrainian War Crimes

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kategória FYZIKA a KABALA



The worst gift

21.12.2023 will be written in black letters in the history of our state. It is the day when a mass murderer killed many people, mostly students, at the University of Prague. People who may have been looking forward to the coming days off, when they could meet their families and enjoy time together. Their parents, their relatives, were looking forward to them too. I know of no greater pain than when a child, a young person, dies. I can't imagine how the parents and relatives of the victims feel.

I have no words of apology or understanding for this vile and barbaric act of a murderer. How do the parents and relatives of the murderer feel?

My condolences to all the bereaved of the victims.

#Prague #Charles University #shooting #terrorism #Czech

Thank you Thunderbird!

I'm Thunderbird user for years. It's the most user friendly and convenient e-mail, calendar, task and addressbook client I'v ever used among others as Outlook or any web client.
The function I appreciate most is easy setting for cryptographic signing and e-mail encryption.
Thank you! Please, continue with good job @Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Wanna donate too?

#Thunderbird #e-mail #addressbook #task #calendar #signing #encryption #ThankYou

Jo, Vidlák má dobré postřehy. Tenhle je taky trefný.

Kolegyně v práci umí skvělé buchtičky. Já vím, dnes se tomu říká cupcake. ::cake:: :;-):

Protestation, this isn't place for you...

Dear Protestation account owner,

I'am open to host personal accounts of free peoples, who want's to share their ideas, experience or opinions.
But I'am not willing to provide my personal resources to anyone, who's promoting ideology of communism, collectivism or any other ideology.
The reason, why I'am not willing to provide space for this or any other *ism is, that first 18 years om my live I spent in socialistic country. Then, in 90's I spent a short time in more free society. Unfortunately, since new millenium, the communism is returning back in Europe. This time from west. We already are in situation, that life quality nowadays is worse than life quality in original Czechoslovakia, where I was born.
Promoting this ideology you are serving to cheaters, thieves, mass murderrers.
Thus, I am going to cut off Protestation account from my server.

#Czechoslovakia #communism #freedom

RadimCZ reshared this.

in reply to Vihorlat Media

Díky za podporu. Ve skutečnosti je těch závadných ideologií více. A za svůj život jsem si už ověřil, že jediné za co stojí bojovat je svoboda a s ní související odpovědnost za svůj život.
Pokud chybí svoboda, pak člověk nemá nic.
(Nezaměňovat svobodu s anarchií.)

Vihorlat Media reshared this.

in reply to Radim

@vihorlatmedia bohužiaľ, mnohí (a povedzme si, väčšina) pohodlne a pohotovo vymení slobodu za kus chleba...

Největší hrozbou pro občany státu je naše vláda. Ta současná je nebezpečná extrémně.

#czech #Czechoslovakia #lang cz #lang cz #česky #Česká republika

Server upgrade

Po týdnech příprav, plánování ale i otálení jsem o víkendu provedl upgrade železa. Abych byl přesnější, tak se vlastně jedná o migraci, protože z původního serveru nezbylo vůbec nic.
Takže nyní to běží na Celeronu, RAMky je 8GB a místo HDD je to na 2TB SDD.

#ServerInfo #česky

in reply to RadimCZ

RadimCZ označil/a stav uživatele RadimCZ štítkem #lang_cz

Server upgrade

Po týdnech příprav, plánování ale i otálení jsem o víkendu provedl upgrade železa. Abych byl přesnější, tak se vlastně jedná o migraci, protože z původního serveru nezbylo vůbec nic.
Takže nyní to běží na Celeronu, RAMky je 8GB a místo HDD je to na 2TB SDD.

#ServerInfo #česky

Tak jsem nedávno slyšel v rádiu, že máme nejvíc spály od roku 2011. To je zajímavá informace.
Je zvláštní, že od roku 2011 tady máme spoustu migrantů a také ukrajinců, kteří sem dotáhli hromadu nemocí. ALE, podle zpráv, za to navýšení nemocí může ROZVOLNĚNÍ proticovidových opatření.
Ty bláho, takový lži zase v tom rádiu!

Obávám se, že naše směřování odhadl správně...

Je důležité přispět

Je důležité přispět a pomoci holce, kterou napadl a skoro zabil bezcitný bastard.
Pokud můžete, přispějte také.

Today is an anniversary of Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia. Full coverage in media, I heard note several times in radio already last week and of course today.
On March 15 was the anniversary of German occupation of Czechoslovakia. The silence in media was deafing.

#Ukraine #Soviet #Czechoslovakia #Czech #occupation #bias #history


Elán, to byl fenomén. Co jsme se jich naposlouchali.

Nepříznivé vyhlídky pro českou ekonomiku zapříčinila covidová pandemie, ruská invaze na Ukrajinu ale i globální cenové tlaky.

Blá blá blá. Všechno je proti nám a můžou za to všichni ostatní.
Nikoli. Dohání nás roky nezodpovědného hospodaření a korupce.

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