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Radim tohle znovusdílel/a.

Polární záře právě teď

Právě teď je nad severním obzorem vidět nádherná, silná polární záře. V naší severní šířce celkem neobvyklá podívaná.

Polární záře 10.5.2024

Polární záře 10.5.2024

#inspirace #příroda #radosti #vesmír

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Radim tohle znovusdílel/a.

An ordinary hero

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The worst gift

21.12.2023 will be written in black letters in the history of our state. It is the day when a mass murderer killed many people, mostly students, at the University of Prague. People who may have been looking forward to the coming days off, when they could meet their families and enjoy time together. Their parents, their relatives, were looking forward to them too. I know of no greater pain than when a child, a young person, dies. I can't imagine how the parents and relatives of the victims feel.

I have no words of apology or understanding for this vile and barbaric act of a murderer. How do the parents and relatives of the murderer feel?

My condolences to all the bereaved of the victims.

#Prague #Charles University #shooting #terrorism #Czech

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Protestation, this isn't place for you...

Dear Protestation account owner,

I'am open to host personal accounts of free peoples, who want's to share their ideas, experience or opinions.
But I'am not willing to provide my personal resources to anyone, who's promoting ideology of communism, collectivism or any other ideology.
The reason, why I'am not willing to provide space for this or any other *ism is, that first 18 years om my live I spent in socialistic country. Then, in 90's I spent a short time in more free society. Unfortunately, since new millenium, the communism is returning back in Europe. This time from west. We already are in situation, that life quality nowadays is worse than life quality in original Czechoslovakia, where I was born.
Promoting this ideology you are serving to cheaters, thieves, mass murderrers.
Thus, I am going to cut off Protestation account from my server.

#Czechoslovakia #communism #freedom…

RadimCZ reshared this.

in reply to Vihorlat Media

Díky za podporu. Ve skutečnosti je těch závadných ideologií více. A za svůj život jsem si už ověřil, že jediné za co stojí bojovat je svoboda a s ní související odpovědnost za svůj život.
Pokud chybí svoboda, pak člověk nemá nic.
(Nezaměňovat svobodu s anarchií.)

Vihorlat Media reshared this.

in reply to Radim

@vihorlatmedia bohužiaľ, mnohí (a povedzme si, väčšina) pohodlne a pohotovo vymení slobodu za kus chleba...

Today is an anniversary of Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia. Full coverage in media, I heard note several times in radio already last week and of course today.
On March 15 was the anniversary of German occupation of Czechoslovakia. The silence in media was deafing.

#Ukraine #Soviet #Czechoslovakia #Czech #occupation #bias #history

That is really disgrace, that many european countries do the same mistake as on beginning of previous century.
We are on the bad side, again.

#ukraine #Donbass #Donetsk #interview #ukrainian #terrorism with weapon #nato #western #media #lie #blameRussia

Radim tohle znovusdílel/a.

👀 #TIL Monopoly wasn't invented by the Parker Brothers, nor the man they gave it credit for. In 1904, Monopoly was originally called The Landlord's Game, and was invented by a radical woman. Elizabeth Magie's original game had not one, but two sets of rules to choose from.
One was called "Prosperity", where every player won money anytime another gained a property. And the game was won by everyone playing only when the person with the least doubled their resources. A game of collaboration and social good.
The second set of rules was called "Monopoly", where players succeeded by taking properties and rent from those with less luck rolling the dice. The winner was the person who used their power to eliminate everyone else.
Magie's mission was to teach us how different we feel when playing Prosperity vs Monopoly, hoping that it would one day change national policies.
When the Parker Bros adopted the game, they erased the "Prosperity" rules and celebrated "Monopoly".
#ElizabethMagie #Monopoly #Landlord

Internet privacy (does not exist)

Úsporný balíček

Snad všichni slyšeli o představení vládního balíčku úspor. Z nás, lidí, vytáhne další miliardy korun ale zásadní změnu k lepšímu nepřinese.

Na tomhle blogu vyšel další skvělý text, který čtivou formou ukazuje, jak by opravdový úsporný balíček měl vypadat. Takový balíček bych podpořil, protože i když by to znamenalo těžké časy, byla by naděje na zlepšení situace.…

9.5. Den vítězství

Na území Československa, které z větší části osvobodila Rudá armáda, se původně slavil 9.5. Proto za ten správný termín oslavy považuji právě 9.5.

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